Saturday, May 25, 2013

More Breaking Bad Props

Hard to believe it's been almost 2 years since I last posted here... time is flying by!  Along the way my BB collection has grown, so here are few of the new additions:

The Pink Bear
Any fan of the show knows this item and it's significance.  Made by the same person who made the show bears.

Hank Items
Some of these are new, some are not.  The notable item being Tuco's grill, which, again, was made by the same people who made the screen used one.

Walt and Jesse's Ski Masks
You guessed it!  Made by the maker of the originals!

Los Pollos Hermanos Bucket
100% accurate replica - there's even a faint star on the lid

Misc. Walt Items
A copy of "Leaves of Grass" with the handwritten message inside, a resin casting of the gun Walt buys to kill Gus with, and the watch Jesse gives Walt on his birthday, which also counts down the prison montage.

I have a couple more items I didn't get around to photographing... hopefully I'll have them up before another 2 years go by, ha ha!


  1. So glad I happened across your blog. I know it’s a couple of years old, not sure if you still read the comments but would like to ask, if you see this, can you share the contact information of the prop makers?
    Love the posts you’ve done!

  2. I would also like to know the contact information for the prop makers

    1. Please could u let me know who the maker for the bear email is
      I already have a set of the ski masks need the bear.please email me 🙏
